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구분 학술대회명 개최일자 (YYYYMMDD) 발표논문명 발표자정보
Poster 국내 2023 AACR-KCA Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in Cancer 20231115 Discovery of novel HPK1 inhibitor for imminotherapy 안OO
Poster 국내 2023년 제28회 한국유기합성학회 학술대회 및 정기총회 20231115 An Efficient Synthesis of Spiroindeneisoindolin-dione and Its Application to a Total Synthesis of Impatien A 박OO;고OO
Poster 국내 2023 International Conference Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 20231106 Systematic Target Screening of Miconazole in the fission yeast 김OO;김OO;도OO;김OO
Poster 국내 2023 International Conference Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 20231106 Identification of broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies against influenza A virus and evaluation of their prophylactic efficacy in mice 안OO
Poster 국내 2023 International Conference Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 20231106 Evaluation of Antiviral Activity of Gemcitabine Derivatives against Influenza Virus and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 차OO;안OO
Poster 국내 제18회 KSGCT 정기학술대회 20231102 Elevated level of PLRG1 is critical for the proliferation and maintenance of genome stability of tumor cells 성OO;하OO;권OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 The study on the role of water in structural stability of the collagen triple helix 손OO;윤OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Predicting mutational effects on structural stability of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants 윤OO;손OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Pharmacokinetics and?in vitro?metabolism studies of the novel FAF1 inhibitor via LC-MS/MS and LS-HRMS 최OO;김OO;이OO;최OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Pharmacokinetic study of CNC1101, a novel selective PARP1 inhibitory anticancer candidate 김OO;최OO;이OO;최OO;이OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Novel fragment screening method for kinase inhibitor discovery 윤OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 New pharmacophore-based virtual screening method by TWN analysis 권OO;윤OO;손OO;정OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for pharmacokinetics evaluation of AZD5305, a selective PARP1 inhibitor, in mice 이OO;김OO;최OO;최OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Deciphering selectivity of a kinase inhibitor: a topological water network analysis approach? 정OO;윤OO;손OO;권OO;전OO;유OO
Poster 국내 2023 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 20231025 Binding site analysis of a pan inhibitor by topological water network residue-based encoding method 윤OO;손OO;정OO;권OO;전OO;유OO
Poster 국내 MSK2023 한국미생물학회 국제학술대회 20231025 Amplifying Cytotoxic Effects: The Impact of Doxorubicin and Lansoprazole Combination in Fission Yeast 김OO;도OO;하OO;김OO;김OO
Poster 국외 ESGCT 30TH ANNUAL CONGRESS BRUSSELS 20231024 A double suicide gene therapy using an oncospreading retroviral vector system 임OO
Poster 국내 2023년 생화학 분자생물학회 오토파지 분과 심포지엄 20230824 Novel androgen receptor-target autophagosome-tethering chimera (AR-ATTEC) with improved metabolic stability, KRM62545 이OO
Poster 국내 2023년 생화학 분자생물학회 오토파지 분과 심포지엄 20230824 Identification of Novel LC3-Binding Small Molecules for Autophagosome-Tethering Chimera (ATTEC) 이OO
Poster 국내 2023 대한바이러스학회 연구회연합 정기학술대회 20230824 Identification of broad-spectrum neutralizing antibodies against influenza A virus and evaluation of their prophylactic efficacy in mice 안OO
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